Welcome To Kanji & Katzen
“They reach a level of excellence that few others have time for. They are phenomenal lawyers.”
“Their litigation expertise is very hard to match.”
“The team as a whole is first-rate,” with “dedication, good judgment, superior writing and negotiation skills.”
—Chambers USA
We are a nationally ranked firm of highly experienced attorneys who are committed to protecting and enhancing the sovereignty and vitality of Indian nations and their members. We represent tribes nationally in high stakes litigation, negotiations, and administrative advocacy on a broad range of vital matters. Our mission is to assist clients in protecting their sovereignty and jurisdiction, including their legislative and judicial authority; in vindicating their treaty rights, land claims and reservation boundaries; and in safeguarding and enhancing their authority to engage in natural resources management, environmental protection, gaming and other economic development, and taxation. Chambers USA ranks us as one of only four firms in its top tier of Indian law practitioners nationwide, and our founding member, Riyaz Kanji, is identified as the “Star Individual” among his peers. All of our attorneys bring a commitment to excellence and creativity, and we work tirelessly on behalf of our clients. Please click the links above and below to learn more.
The Firm

Kanji & Katzen, P.L.L.C. is a law firm devoted to advancing the interests of Indian tribes and nations. We are a “boutique” firm with a nation-wide reputation, providing top-flight litigation services and strategic counsel to tribal clients on a range of issues including tribal governance and jurisdiction, treaty rights, taxation, gaming and other economic development, land and reservation issues, and environmental and cultural … Read More >
News and Updates
Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe and NRD Trustee Council Reach Settlement with Owners of Former Mill Site to Restore Habitats in Port Gamble Bay
The Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe and the other members of the Port Gamble Bay Natural Resource Trustee Council have reached a settlement with the owners of the site of a former sawmill at the mouth of the bay to build two habitat restoration projects … [Read More...]
Stroble v. Oklahoma Tax Commission
"The looming question of whether the state has authority to tax the income of citizens of the Five Tribes who live and work within their reservation boundaries could end up before the U.S. Supreme Court, Oklahoma Supreme Court justices and parties’ … [Read More...]
Washington Tribes Obtain Dismissal of Maverick Gaming Lawsuit in the Western District of Washington
On February 21, 2023, the Western District of Washington dismissed a lawsuit brought by Maverick Gaming LLC, the owner of several cardrooms in Washington, which challenged tribal gaming in Washington and sought to invalidate the Tribal-State class … [Read More...]
Why the Supreme Court’s Expansion of State Criminal Jurisdiction in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta Likely Does Not Apply on Most Pueblo Lands in New Mexico, By Reed C. Bienvenu
In Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta, 142 S. Ct. 2486 (2022), decided June 29, 2022, the United States Supreme Court announced an important new rule regarding state criminal jurisdiction within the territory of Indian tribes. In a 5-4 decision, the Court … [Read More...]