Jane Steadman

“She has great analytical, legal and writing skills. She provides excellent and timely services and is sophisticated in her analyses of issues.”

“Jane is a strong and knowledgeable lawyer, particularly with regard to environmental matters.”

– Chambers USA


Jane Steadman joined Kanji & Katzen in 2011 and became a member of the firm in 2022.  Jane works in the Seattle office and may be contacted at jsteadman@kanjikatzen.com.**

Education: Jane received her B.A. degree cum laude in biology, with minors in anthropology and environmental studies, from Kalamazoo College in 2001.  In 2009, she graduated magna cum laude, with an Environmental & Natural Resources Law Certificate, from Lewis & Clark Law School.  At Lewis & Clark, she was an Associate Editor for Environmental Law, a Lands & Wildlife Project Coordinator for the Northwest Environmental Defense Center, and a volunteer for the Public Interest Law Project.  Jane participated as a student law clerk in both of the law school’s environmental clinics—the Pacific Environmental Advocacy Center (now Earthrise) and the International Environmental Law Project.

Prior Experience: Prior to joining Kanji & Katzen, Jane worked as a legal analyst in The Wilderness Society’s National Forest Action Center, where she worked on National Forest policy and Forest Service planning processes across the West. During law school, she clerked for Earthjustice, Crag Law Center, and the Oregon Natural Desert Association. Before law school, Jane worked as a campaign organizer for Save Our Wild Salmon in support of the Columbia and Snake Rivers Campaign.

Areas of Concentration: Jane represents Tribal Governments in matters involving reserved fishing rights, natural resources, and taxation.  She has assisted client tribes in complex litigation and administrative processes involving numerous treaties and statutes, including, among others, the Stevens Treaties, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, Washington’s Model Toxics Control Act, and the Sikes Act.

Awards and Honors: Upon graduation from Lewis & Clark Law School, Jane was inducted into the Cornelius Honor Society. She also received the Bernard F. O’Rourke Award for the best original research paper on a natural resource topic, the Pro Bono Award, and an award for Best Appellate Brief. As an undergraduate, Jane received the Department of Anthropology award for her student work in applied anthropology.

Community Service and Personal Interests: Jane enjoys exploring wild places across the American West, as well as traveling, cooking, hiking, kayaking, and playing with her dog Dowagiac (Jack, for short). She has volunteered with numerous environmental organizations in the Pacific Northwest, including the Sierra Club where she currently serves on the Litigation Committee for the Washington Chapter.  From 2015 to 2017, she served as a Trustee for the Indian Law Section of the Washington State Bar Association.

Bar Memberships:

State of Washington
State of Oregon
United States Supreme Court
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
United States District Court for the Western District of Washington
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington


Jane G. Steadman, Protecting Water Quality and Salmon in the Columbia Basin:  The Case for State Certification of Federal Dams, 38 Envtl. L. 1331 (2008)

Michael C. Blumm & Jane G. Steadman, Indian Treaty Fishing Rights and Habitat Protection:  The Martinez Decision Supplies a Resounding Judicial Reaffirmation, 49 Nat. Resources J. 653 (2009)


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